Terms and Conditions for Instructors
This agreement is made between Brighter Connect and the Instructor (reference to "the Instructor" shall refer also to "the Consultant"). No change to this agreement or terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Brighter Connect.
If the instructor delivers services to a Franchisee or Agent of Brighter Connect, the terms shall be binding between the Franchisee or the Agent and the Instructor.
Instructor's Remuneration
The Instructor's remuneration is usually expressed as a daily rate for a specific course. In most cases the daily rate is negotiated with the Instructor for each course individually. Remuneration is paid 30 days after the last day of the course. Training Course Materials: The training course materials can be provided by:
- Brighter Connect from Brighter Connect training materials repository
- Third Party, usually during exam preparation or vendor authorised training
- The Instructor
In the case of the Instructor providing us with the training course materials, the Instructor can charge Brighter Connect separately or can include the charge in the instructor's daily rate. The training course materials must be either branded as Brighter Connect or must not be branded as any other training providers.
Should the instructor cancel a training on short notice (7 days or less before the start of the training), Brighter Connect can charge the instructor for a related loss of business up to 25% of the total amount of lost sales as a penalty for breach of contract.
Quality Control
New Instructors
In most cases, during the first training course, the Instructor will be assisted by Brighter Connect instructor or quality controller.
Instructor's Responsibility and Accountability
After a training course has been delivered, we ask our clients to complete a 'Training Evaluation Form' (TEF), so we know whether a client is satisfied or not.
If the average of results in the instructor section of the TEF is below 4.0, we can investigate the cause of client's dissatisfaction.
If the cause of client's dissatisfaction is related to poor quality of the instructor's preparation, teaching skills or lack of knowledge, Brighter Connect can lower the instructors remuneration down to 30% of the previously agreed amount.
Brighter Connect will try to rectify the damage to the Brighter Connect brand by offering the client the course with another instructor. Training Course Materials and Software
Training course materials and software can be provided by Brighter Connect, a Third Party, or by the Instructor.
Brighter Connect Training Materials and Software
In the case of Brighter Connect providing the training course material, the Instructor cannot use the training course material for other purpose. The instructor can modify the Brighter Connect training course materials, but all modification made to the training course materials have to be returned to Brighter Connect (e.g. by editing www.brighterconnect.com/training material site)
Instructor Training Material and Software
If the Instructor provides their own training material and software, the Instructor takes full responsibility for compliance with appropriate copyrights and licenses.