Home » iOS App Development Certification Training Architecture & Design Patterns Artificial Intelligence Big Data Blockchain Business Intelligence & Visualisation Cloud Computing Cyber Security Data Science Data Warehousing & ETL Databases DevOps Digital Marketing Front-End Development Health & Safety Training Mobile Development Operating Systems Programming & Frameworks Project Management & Methodologies Robotic Process Automation Software Testing Brighter Connect’s iOS App Development Certification Training helps you to become an Expert in iOS App development by mastering concepts like Swift, Core Data, Networking & iCloud development while working on industry based use-cases and projects. Curriculum Understanding Swift Learning Objectives: In this module, we will learn the basic building blocks of Swift technology. You will learn all basics principles of Swift Programming language like Loops, Conditions and Structures. Topics: Introduction to Swift Introduction to XCode IDE Structure of Swift program Compiling and building a Hello world Swift Playground Basic Syntax Variables and data types Structs and Classes Getting Started with Swift Learning Objectives: In this module, we will take you through different collections types available in Swift. You will learn to create Classes and Enums along with Protocols & Generics. You will also learn newly introduces Tuples, Closures and Subscripts. Topics: Working with collections Protocols and Extensions Generics Tuple Functions Subscripts Closures Automatic Reference Counting iOS Development Basics Learning Objectives: In this module, we will take you through XCode and iOS SDK Installation. You will learn to create basic iOS Application. You will also learn core pillars of iOS Application Development. We will learn to use iOS simulator to test iOS Applications. Topics: Installing XCode and iOS SDK Understanding XCode Creating a simple iOS app Project templates Introduction to pillars of iOS app development-Tools-XCode iOS Simulator Instruments Language- Swift Design patterns Frameworks Design-CorrectUI AppleHIG Testing Provisioning Signing Submitting Using iOS Simulator MVC pattern in iOS app development Storyboard Controllers and Layouts Learning Objectives: In this module, we will take you through iOS Application Lifecycle. You will learn different View Controllers available in iOS SDK to create different types of Applications. This module will enable you to debug any iOS application to analyze in-depth functionality. You will learn AutoLayouts to create Applications for different screen sizes. We will also teach you to effectively use iOS Storyboards to create multiple page iOS applications. Topics: Lifecycle of iOS Application Understanding Delegation iOS View Controllers Creating UI Introduction to Layout and Views Designing responsive interfaces with Auto layout Create a sample UI Walkthrough of controllers Debugging iOS application TableView, CollectionView & Various View Controllers Learning Objectives: This module will concentrate on TableViews & CollectionView which are considered to be heavily used views in any iOS Application. You will learn how to create TableView & CollectionViews and perform various operations on it. Topics: Introduction to Table View Creating a basic table view and data source Loading data into TableView Reusing table view cells Customizing table views UI CollectionView UI RefreshControl Introduction to multiple-view applications Using navigation controller Introduction to a master-detail application Creating a tab-bar-driven application UI PageViewController Universal App, Size Classes & Camera Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn to create applications which work both on iPhone & iPad. You will learn to use Size Classes to support multiple screens. This module will also teach you to capture images from Camera or Gallery. Topics: UISplitViewController Master-detail application Using Size Classes for Adaptive Layout Using Camera & Gallery to Capture Images Animation, Location, Maps & Social Sharing Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about iOS Animation framework while working on Core Animation, UIKit Dynamics. You will also learn to use Facebook Pop Animation framework. You will also learn to capture device location and displaying locations on Map. Last but not the least this module will also teach you to share contents right from your iOS Application using UIActivityViewController. Topics: Animations- Core Animation UIKit Dynamics Facebook Pop Animation Working with Maps- MKMapItem and MKPlacemark CLLocationManager MKMapView UIActivityViewController to perform Social Sharing JSON Handling, Network Operation & Image Caching Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn to create iOS Applications which can perform network operations using popular Alamofire open source library. You will also learn to handle JSON Data using SwiftJSON Library & Image caching using HanekeSwift. Topics: Networking with Alamofire SwiftyJSON & HanekeSwift Introduction to networking in iOS application Adding/Managing frameworks using Carthage JSON Handling using SwiftJSON Performing Networking using Alamofire Downloading & Caching images using HanekeSwift Data Persistence and Storage Learning Objectives: This module will enable you to work with Core Data database framework. You will perform various CRUD operations on Data. You will also learn to use different storage options available in iOS SDK. Topics: iOS data persistence Using NS User Defaults to store and read information Property Lists-Working with Core data Introduction to Core Data Creating models with entities Saving models Fetching model Edit and remove models Sample application implementing Core data CloudKit, Parse and Submitting Apps to App Store Learning Objectives: This module concentrates on teaching you Cloudkit and Parse to save and retrieve data to/from Cloud. We will also take you through all the steps involved in submitting an application to Apple App Store. Topics: Implementing CloudKit Storage Interact with Parse backend Localizing Application Submitting an App to Apple App Store Course Description About this iOS App Development Course The iOS App Development using Swift training course will introduce the participants to the exciting world of iOS application development. Swift is a brand new programming language for iOS and OS X apps which adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. This course will enable participants to design and develop applications for iPhones & iPads. What are the objectives of this iOS App Development Course? After the completion of iOS App Development course at Brighter Connect, you will be able to: Understand the core construct of newly introduced Swift Programming Language Leverage Swift's new language features like optionals and closures Create Extensions to extend Swift's Out Of Box functionality Create Generics to increase our code’s flexibility and power Understand Swift’s new initializer pattern Understand iCloud & Core Data Framework Work with Autolayouts to build applications for all screen sizes Work on a real life Project, implementing all the features learnt during the class to derive Business Insights Who should go for this iOS App Development Training? The course is designed for professionals who want to learn iOS App Development with Apple's Brand New Language 'Swift'. The following professionals can go for this course: Software Developers and Architects Mobile App Developers Project Managers Testing Professionals Mainframe Professionals Graduates aiming to build a career in iOS App Development Why learn iOS App Development using Swift? Mobile Applications are in great use today and there is even more demand for Mobile Developers. iOS App Store is more like a market where you can sell brilliant applications you developed in iOS Technology. Apple encourages practically anyone to try their hand at iOS development. Just $99 per year gives you access to Apple's developer program, the development tools are freely available and Brighter Connect's "iOS App Development using Swift" training enables developers to build effective iOS applications. What are the pre-requisites for this course? The pre-requisite for this course is basic knowledge of Object Orientated Programming Language. Knowledge of Objective C, Java, JavaScript will add more value. Project What are the system requirements for this course? Mac machine with Yosemite operating System, with 4GB RAM and operating system can be of 32-bit or 64-bit. If you do not have a mac machine, we will assist you in renting a remote mac machine over the cloud, e.g. through www.macincloud.com OR www.xcloud.me. You can use any other service provider as well for executing the practicals. How will I execute the practicals in this course? For your practical work, we will help you set-up Xcode IDE on your system. This will be a local access for you. The detailed step by step installation guides will be present in your LMS which will help you to install and set-up the environment. The support team will help you through the process. Which Case-Studies or Project will be a part this course? Towards the end of the Course, you will be working on a live project where you will be using Swift language to design beautiful and efficient iOS Applications. Project Name Development of E-commerce application. Industry E-commerce Problem StatementCreating E-commerce application for iOS platform which will allow user to browse available products and purchase them. Your Online (iOS App Development Certification Training) Package Upon purchase, you will receive a password via the email you used to purchase the course. You will then be able to login to our online learning portal with your email and password. You will have access to the portal for 12 months to complete your course. £520 £320 + VAT Book Now