SQL skills are highly sought after in web development, programming, data analysis and reporting environments. Learn how to write SQL (Structured Query Language) using Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio from scratch with SQL Essentials training course.


Goal: Data Definition Commands defines the syntax of a database and manipulate database objects.

Module Objectives:

  • RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) Introduction
  • Normalization in RDBMS
  • Create database objects i.e. Create Table
  • Delete database objects i. e. Delete Database
  • Alter database objects i.e. Change Column Name
  • Create, alter and delete constraints


  • Relation Database Management System (RDBMS)
  • Normalization
  • Create Database objects
  • Data Types in SQL
  • Alter Table Statements
  • Drop Table Statements
  • Various Constraints
  • Creating Views


  • Introduction to Big Data and Problems caused by it
  • 5V – Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity and Value
  • Traditional Database Management System
  • Limitations of RDMS
  • NOSQL databases
  • Common characteristics of NoSQL databases
  • CAP theorem
  • How Cassandra solves the Limitations?
  • History of Cassandra
  • Features of Cassandra

Hands On:

  • Create Table With Predefine Columns
  • Add New Column to Existing Table
  • Check the constraints on a table
  • Add Primary Key and Foreign Key on Table
  • Remove Unique Constraint

Goal: DML Commands help to work with existing data. Using these commands we can add, modify, or delete the data.

Module Objectives:

  • Insert record/data in tables
  • Modify/Update the existing data
  • Retrieve the data from database from single table
  • Use of operators for data retrieval
  • Delete the data from tables


  • Insert Statements
  • Insert – As- Select Statement
  • Update Statements
  • Delete Statements
  • Truncate Statements
  • Select Statement
  • Sorting and Filtering
  • SQL wildcard
  • CASE Expression


  • Introduction to Big Data and Problems caused by it
  • 5V – Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity and Value
  • Traditional Database Management System
  • Limitations of RDMS
  • NOSQL databases
  • Common characteristics of NoSQL databases
  • CAP theorem
  • How Cassandra solves the Limitations?
  • History of Cassandra
  • Features of Cassandra

Hands On:

  • Insert the records in an existing table
  • Delete selective records
  • Update data in the table based on data from another table

Goal: To combines columns from multiple tables in a database by using values common to tables

Module Objectives:

  • Retrieve records from multiple tables


  • Self-Join
  • Inner Join
  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Cross Join


  • Retrieve data from multiple tables

Goal: Use Built-In functions to calculate values and manipulate data

Module Objectives:

  • Use of Built-in Functions
  • Use of Group by Command
  • Use of Having Commands


  • Conversion Function
  • Logical Functions
  • Math Function
  • Aggregate Functions
  • String Functions
  • Date Functions


  • Determine the Count of rows satisfying a certain condition
  • Determine average of a column
  • Determine Sum of a column

Goal: To create advanced database objects for data manipulation and data retrieval

Module Objectives:

  • Create Stored Procedure
  • Execute Stored Procedure
  • Create Functions
  • Create Triggers


  • Custom Functions
  • Stored Procedure
  • Triggers


  • Create Functions
  • Create Triggers
  • Create and Execute Stored Procedure
Course Description

Learn how to write SQL (Structured Query Language) from scratch with SQL Essentials training course. This course will easily step you through writing SQL using Microsoft's SQL Server Management Studio. SQL allows you to retrieve, sort, filter, group, aggregate and calculate data stored in a SQL Server database. This course is designed for people wanting to learn how to interrogate data from a relational database, how to manipulate this data (Insert, update, and delete records).

Although we use SQL Server to interrogate data throughout this course, SQL is a common language easily adapted to other RDBMS (relational database management systems) such as MySQL, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Ingres, Sybase and Microsoft Access.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Define RDBMS and three normalization forms
  • Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
  • Manipulating Data Using DML
  • Retrieving Data Using the SQL Select Statement
  • Restricting and Sorting Data
  • Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
  • Using the built-in functions.

Nowadays, information is gathered from a variety of root, and the information is of great value to organizations. However, with an increasing amount of data comes the need for a database that can entrepot information for retrieval and analysis by the trained specialist. Thus, proper data analysis is in high demand in our digital world.

A relational database, which logically group information into chunks, are basically used to store and organize large amounts of data. Of course, if you’re looking to retrieve any kind of information from a database, you need to speak its oral communication! The most widely used speech communication for interacting with the database is SQL (Structured Query Language), the amber standard of relational databases.

SQL queries, which are essentially requests or instructions that you send to a database, allow you to retrieve information and update, insert, or delete data. SQL is mainly associated with the IT sector and is an everyday instrument for database administrators. Developers use SQL to write an application that requires database connector, and systems architects use it to design database models. All of this mean value that encyclopedism SQL is a great choice for anyone who would like to pursue a career in IT.

This course is for beginners with absolutely no experience in database.

There are no pre-requisites for this course, however, some fundamentals knowledge about DBMS will be beneficial.


The system requirement for this course is a system with Intel i3 processor or above; minimum 3GB RAM (4GB recommended) and an operating system can be of 32bit or 64 bit. In addition, you require Microsoft SQL server 2005 or above.

The installation manual for installation into Windows system will be provided with step by step execution along with the screenshots.

Below are the projects you will work on as part of this course:

  • Building a Multi table Relational Database
  • Problems and exercises based on given schema. 25 exercises will be given as a part of the project.
Your Online (SQL Essentials Certification Training) Package
Upon purchase, you will receive a password via the email you used to purchase the course.

You will then be able to login to our online learning portal with your email and password.

You will have access to the portal for 12 months to complete your course.

£485 £285 + VAT